Friday, May 18, 2012

Alliteration Aside -- Finding Out I’m a Foodie and Fitness Freak

Calling myself a foodie and a fitness freak might be the strangest juxtaposition you’ve heard this week; yet, I believe it to be true. I think it is very possible to be both. I have a passion for food, but a deep infatuation with staying fit and healthy. What also might seem strange to you is that these two loves of mine seemed to sprout up about the same time.
A little over a year ago I set my sights on losing a few pounds and trying to slim down for an upcoming summer cruise, but mostly for my October wedding. *As an aside, if you are ever interested in losing weight, but just can’t seem to find the motivation, get married. I have found nothing motivates weight loss like a wedding – specifically, yours.* Once I was motivated, I first started counting my calories and logging them in a journal. Yes, this sounds silly, but writing them down makes you accountable AND helps you visually see everything you have put in your body. Tracking calories is amazingly eye-opening. You might THINK you know how many calories you consume in a day, but, honey, you have no clue until you make yourself wholly accountable FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE. EVERY SINGLE ONE people! They add up amazingly fast, as I quickly figured out. I started making healthier, lower calorie swaps and that, along with  a twice-a-week spin classes (which are also extremely effective), I was able to lose weight and slim down. Now, I am no longer losing weight, just attempting to do the best I can at maintaining my current weight. Unfortunately, I have slacked on spin classes and have not been back since my wedding. However, I do my best to get in some exercise whenever I have the energy to do so. But, weight loss and weight management is achieved in the kitchen, not the gym. Working out all day will get you nowhere, until you begin to make healthy eating choices.

However, losing the weight and having a slimmer physique has come with more criticism than compliment I have found. The only person who never was critical was my husband and I deeply appreciate him for that. The comments came from just about everyone else though. Family, friends and co-workers seemed to dish out the critical blows more often than I expected. I wouldn’t say that all the comments were mean, just, what I would consider, impolite and feeling-hurting. I think the most irking comments were “Are you even eating?” (This was almost always said after they saw me eat, which I found strange), “Your neck looks really small and weird” (Oh how nice, thank you) and “You look like you are 11” (Uh alright, hopefully that will come in handy when I’m 50). I know I look different, but I don’t believe I look unhealthy and I can assure you I am not unhealthy. I take care of myself and eat plenty, as my husband can whole-heartedly attest to. I also often eat his food when he is not looking. (Shhh…don’t tell him). He can also tell a scary tale of when he almost lost his hand after he attempted to take a bite of my IHOP omelet. He now knows not to take anything from my plate unless I am finished or I am no longer gripping a fork, knife or other sharp object.

This leads me to my other love: food. I feel strange saying I love food, but it comes with being a foodie. Now, I think I first need to clarify what I mean by "foodie." Most people probably hear “foodie” and think it refers to someone who likes to eat and likes to eat A LOT. This is not MY definition of a foodie. A foodie is not someone who just enjoys pigging out on anything and everything. A foodie, to me, is someone who enjoys the experience of eating. It goes beyond the food. Granted, the taste of the food is part of the process, but it is also the presentation of the food. For me, I also take into consideration the environment of where the food is consumed. I have been known to turn down a slightly better tasting meal for a better, more inviting, comfortable or interesting atmosphere. Appreciating all of these elements (flavor, visual appeal and atmosphere) is part of being a true foodie. A foodie values all of these things - equally, I would argue. The holy trinity is achieved when all of these elements have been perfected and a glorious, bright light shines down from the food heavens and all is right with the world.

Currently I am on a foodie quest of sorts. I am on a mission to try every local eatery in and around the Tulsa area. I have a running list on my phone of every dining establishment I must try. I even have them conveniently labeled under either “Easy-Eating” or “Date Night Dinners” – I am aware of how dorky this is. My husband is my co-pilot on this journey and has done a fabulous job enduring some not-so-fabulous meals, but he has also been privy to a large number of delicious dinners. The problem is I add restaurants to my list faster than I check them off. Another problem is the majority of the places we visit are wonderful and, a lot of the time, we want to go back there instead of trying something new. My current obsession is CafĂ© Ole on Brookside. I cannot seem to get past their wonderful outside patio, perfect margaritas and deliciously-strange cream cheese queso. They, my friends, have achieved the holy trinity. My husband and I go there almost every weekend. In fact, we are headed there tonight.

So, if you are curious how I seem to manage my foodie soul and maintain my health, I will enlighten you. What has turned me into such a foodie is the fact that the “splurge” of eating a fabulous meal and getting to enjoy the experience on the weekend becomes a reward for healthy eating during the week. I stick to healthy eating Monday through Thursday and do my best to work out when I can. However, the weekends become a time to lay off the “diet” (I shouldn’t call it a diet; it’s not. It is my normal eating. People don’t stick to diets, but they do stick to healthy eating habits) and not worry about calories. I focus on enjoying the meal, the environment and the company of friends and family. Yay for the weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

So, Let's Try This Again

            Hey! I’m back from my semester-long hiatus. As you might expect, once this blog was no longer an “assignment,” I let it fall by the wayside. However, as this semester comes to a close (halle-flippin’-luiah), I might pick up this blogging thing for the summer; or, at least, until my summer classes start. Just so you know, I’m taking two…Why I do this to myself I am not quite sure.
 I have always known managing school and work is a difficult task. But, I have also found that managing school, work and a happy married life is even more challenging. I have quickly discovered (as my husband has) that they really mean that “for better and for worse” stuff. Unfortunately, I am – most often – at my worst. I have always believed in God, but I have become more passionately convinced of His glory since He so graciously paired me with the only man on this planet who can handle my moods and random bouts of stress-induced tears.
            Recently, I have undertaken yet another dreadful task: job hunting. My current job is really not that bad, regardless of how much I may say otherwise. I work with a “quirky” bunch, but they provide me daily entertainment and teach me lots of life lessons. They work well with my school schedule and pay good for a part-time gig. However, I am realizing that it is time for me to move on and look for something that will make me happy. I want a job where I get to use all the knowledge, skills and smarts (I hope I have these, but it is yet to be definitively determined) I have acquired over my college years. I am deeply interested and intrigued by public relations. I just know that is where I belong. I love the creativity of it. I love how you are able to use that creativity and direct it towards a goal. I love the fast-paced environment. I love the variety.
            So, I naively started on a quest to get my dream job. I know myself as a pessimist and, most definitely, a realist, so I was surprised at how I believed this quest would be a brief one. A couple rejections into the process and I was defeated. I mean, what is with all these people wanting “experience”? ;) I really was hoping my sparkling performance in my undergraduate and graduate studies would supplant this so-called “experience” they all seemed to be seeking. This has to be the biggest mystery of all: How are you supposed to gain experience when no one will give you the chance to get some?
            A few more rejections later, I finally received some good news and a huge life lesson. I was accepted as a summer intern for a local PR firm, and I am extremely grateful that I was selected. I think, as much as I didn’t want to admit it (and I still don’t want to), I had a superiority complex. I thought my bachelor’s degree and my current graduate studies would somehow make an employer forget about that little thing called “experience.” I thought I could walk in anywhere and they would just fall over backwards with sheer delight at my educational history, long work history (I have plenty of work history, just not in communications) – Oh – and my enchanting personality. What in the world was I thinking? Yes, that beautiful job where I would have benefits, a lovely salary, my own desk, freedom to make decisions, mild authority and respect, and a reason to wear heels to work would have been utterly delightful; but, what lesson would that have taught me? Yes, it would have been easier; yes, it would have been wonderful; but, most likely, I would have been setting myself up for failure. I NEED experience; I NEED guidance. And I am thrilled (that is not sarcastic) I have been granted this opportunity. I am looking forward to my internship and I intend to gobble up every little thing they have to teach me. Here’s what I know: Humble pie is an acquired taste and it’s my advice you learn to savor the flavor.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving and Such

To begin this blog, let's take a quick poll...So, who has FELT an earthquake since last Tuesday? Anyone?....Anyone?....HA! I didn't think so. This just proves my last blog's point. I realize they have measured some earthquakes, but I haven't felt a single one since my quake-causing husband has returned home. I'm just saying...Everyone knows, I can't resist any opportunity I'm granted to showcase my right-ness.

So, Thanksgiving? It comes every November, but somehow it doesn't seem possible to be that time of year again. I don't know if it was my wedding or maybe the immense stress this semester's schoolwork has placed on me, but this one totally snuck up on me. One thing that will be new this year is the designation of which side of the family we spend which holiday with. This year, we are going to be with his family for Thanksgiving, while my side won Christmas. It is going to be strange to be away from my side of the family for one of the holidays, but I am optimistic (Shocked? It occaisionally happens) about the start of this new tradition of holiday-swapping between families. I'm super pumped about cooking/baking and most likely burning/ruining some treats to take with us to Thanksgiving! I have always loved the idea of cooking and baking, but, the majority of time, I end up screwing something up - not super bad, but enough to make my cooking mediocre, at best. For instance, I just choked down the chili I made because I added WAAAYYY too much chili seasoning. It only makes sense to half the seasoning when you half everything else in the recipe, huh? Ooopppsss....However, the extreme spice of it really cleared out the sinuses. Another thing I am looking forward to is the Christmas gift exchange we will be having at Thanksgiving since we won't see them during Christmas. Hope his side of the family buys into that ol' theory of "giving" is better than "receiving," as I have yet to complete shopping for their gifts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shake it Like a Salt Shaker, Polaroid Picture, etc.

I know, I know…everyone is about as tired of HEARING about the earthquakes as we are HAVING the darn things. However, I doubt anyone has heard the real reason we are being abundantly and overly blessed with the quakes. I have my own theory and all the “fault” (I know, I know… people are also tired of hearing quake-associated puns) should be placed upon one person, and one person solely: my husband. He has the innate, uncontrollable and inexplicable ability to cause and attract trouble. I love him dearly, but hear me out. Remember our freak snowstorm/blizzard/snowpocalypse? Guess who left the state and, most likely, caused an unnatural shift in the polar caps or something? Yep, my husband did. He was gone for two weeks and left me here – alone – to shovel my way out. By the time he came back, there was hardly any snow left. Guess who has also been gone for the last week during our record-setting freak earthquake outbreak? Uh huh, the hubs. I was, once again, alone when the Friday night “pre-shock” hit. Did I just have a weird dream? Perhaps some crazy drunk drove right through my house? Or MAYBE, I am going banana sandwich (this was, at the time, my first thought). I turned to my Twitter page (I love social media) to see if anyone else had the trippy experience, which was a much more appropriate second plan after my initial reaction to run through the streets in sheer terror. Luckily, others had posted about the quake, which meant, for the time being, I was still, at least, mildly sane. But, I have good news. Rest assured he is on his way home now, so this should restore the natural balance of the Earth’s tectonic plates. Wonder what will happen next time he decides to leave me? Tsunami, asteroid impact (we got close), volcanic eruption, perpetual darkness, the return of dinosaurs…

When I told him about my theory he laughed, but he also posited his own interpretation. He believes that my high-strung and turbulent emotions in response to his absence have been the catalyst to all of our problems. Tu shay…

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You really want to be scared? Read if you dare.

I have suffered from a blogger block this week. I had, until this moment, no idea what to please my nine readers with. I considered telling you about my husband I's trip to Hallo-Marine (at the Jenks aquarium), but there really wasn't much to tell. To sum it up, you really need to have a kid to go to these things. I am thinking of looking into borrowing one for certain kid-geared events (Halloween and Easter). It would keep quizzical, judgemental glances from being directed our way. You know these people are wondering whether A. We misunderstood what the event was, or B. We are those creepy "Hey kid, want a ride?" people. Aside from the uncomfortable looks, my husband managed to smooth talk his way into a purse-ful (my purse, of course) of chocolate treats and I got to see some fish. Overall, win-win I suppose

What I really want to "scare" you with is some Halloween candy fun facts. I have a "love-hate" relationships with the folks at Eat This, Not That! on Twitter. They provide me with quality information and quite shocking nutritional/caloric information about meals at popular dining establishments. I love them because they help the waistline, but detest them entirely for ruining my complete enjoyment of certain meals because I am paranoid about how many thousand calories I am consuming. They recently tweeted some super scary facts about that delicious Halloween candy that is so tempting. Enjoy....

Three Reese's Peanut Butter Cups = More sugar than a glazed donut
Nine Twizzlers = Wendy's Double Stack burger
Butterfinger "Fun Size" = 100 calories
3 "Mini" Twix = 150 calories

From the Cooking Light website:

Assorted Hershey's Minis (1 mini) = 42 calories (Personally, I feel compelled to sample one of each)
Mounds Snack Size Bar = 80 calories
Kit Kat Snack Size = 70 calories
Reese's Pieces Snack Size = 67 calories

Now, who had AT LEAST one of each last night? =) Scary, right?

Oh, well...the holiday season is upon us. Throw on your expandable waist, stretchy pants and oversized sweaters! Thanksgiving here we come!

Monday, October 24, 2011

My Sober (Yes, it’s possible) Adventures at Oktoberfest

This was my first time to ever go to Oktoberfest, and I must say I rather enjoyed myself. I have lived here my whole life and I have never been. I think my desire to go this year stemmed from missing out on the state fair and my fascination with the Eastland-mall style tents that reminded me of a day when it was safe to be east of 169 on 21st street (True Tulsans will catch the now-ghetto mall reference).

I am not a big drinker and I do not drink beer whatsoever. I gag if my nose gets too close to it – gross. So, you might wonder (as I did) what in the world could I possibly enjoy at a “fest” geared almost entirely to the celebration of beer?

·         Well, for starters, I got an excellent parking spot (Reason I loved the “fest” #1). I parked on the east side of the river and enjoyed a leisurely stroll with my husband across the bridge. Bad parking situations are a huge pet peeve of mine. I have been known to become so irate with terrible parking situations (i.e. Tulsa State Fair) that I simply go home because I do not have the patience to tolerate the jumbled up mess and idiotic drivers who cause the already horrendous problem to be even more of a cluster.
·         Unbeknownst to us, Oktoberfest started at 11:00 a.m. and we inadvertently managed to arrive at 11:05, which was absolutely wonderful! There was hardly anyone there and we almost had free reign of the place (Reason I loved the “fest” #2). As much as I hate jumbled up parking messes, I hate jumbled up swarms of people much more. I detest strange people bumping into me; even if you exclaim, “Oh, I’m sorry!” I will not forgive you.
·         Most of all, I loved the food! Even if you don’t enjoy beer, you can always enjoy the huge variety of food (Reason I loved the “fest” #3). The husband consumed a bratwurst faster than I believed was humanly possible; I enjoyed my giant pretzel. Together we tried a Bavarian cheesecake strudel, which was absolutely fantastic and every flaky layer gives me more reason to return next year.
·         I didn’t know what lederhosen were prior to my visit to Oktoberfest, but after seeing everyone and their dog (not a figure of speech, in this case) wearing them, I caught on quickly (Reason I loved the “fest” #4). Definitely don’t see suspenders every day.

I believe I will be returning next year, even if it's only to try the other flavors of strudel!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Top 8 - Fall Edition

Thought I would share something a little more light-hearted for this week’s blog post. To be entirely honest, I wanted to post something that required little to absolutely zero thought, as I have been suffering from post-wedding stress disorder – trust me, it’s a very real thing, just ask my victim…I mean, husband.
Fall is my most favorite time of the year.  There are certain things (sights, sounds, smells etc.) about it that just make me innately, inexplicably content and thankful to be alive. Here is a list of my top eight fall-errific things:
1.       Pumpkin-flavored things. It doesn’t matter what it is; if it’s pumpkin flavored, I’m going to try it. My most beloved pumpkin-flavored treat this fall is Cherry Berry’s Pumpkin Pie frozen yogurt. The 71st & Garnett location has the treat and I highly recommend it. Like them on Facebook!
2.       The OMG-is-something-burning-smell?!?! when the heater is turned on for the first time for the season. It’s slightly alarming and unnerving; yet, entirely delightful at the same time.
3.       Crunchy leaves. I will wander into oncoming traffic in order to step on a ridiculously crunchy-looking leaf and hear that satisfying sound.
4.        Halloween festivities. I adore Halloween, but the kid-version. I hate scary movies. I am already paranoid enough. I have also been known to – inadvertently – physically retaliate when someone in a haunted house infiltrates my personal space. Therefore, I steer clear of adult-themed Halloween activities and opt for more demure – albeit, childish – ones. You can find me cruising through the hay bale maze at the local pumpkin patch and kicking it with the kiddos at Hallow-Zoo-een (the Tulsa Zoo’s perfectly safe and only mildly frightening trick-or-treating festival). Learn more about it at
5.       Craft shows. Dear God, I love craft shows. I love them even more if instead of “show” they use the word “fair” or “bazaar” in the name – I mean, who doesn’t love a good bazaar?
6.       Candles that smell like desserts. Bath and Body Works has awesome food-inspired scents this year. I can fool guests (and my new husband) into thinking I baked.  You can fake-bake too!
7.       The return of the flu and other related illnesses. Hold on, let me explain. Getting and having the flu or any other illness is no fun and I am not saying I enjoy being sick or my loved ones being sick. HOWEVER, I enjoy the presence of these infectious problems for multiple reasons. The first being that they provide an exceptionally legitimate excuse for taking sick leave, when perhaps, one is not as sick as one may indicate to one’s boss (Disclaimer: I would never in a ba-jallion years ever do this). It’s only courteous to stay home if you might be feeling something coming on. It is irrelevant if it ever actually does “come on.” The second reason to love the flu season is my most obnoxious co-worker is highly sensitive to getting sick, which equals less time in this person’s annoying presence. (This is a joke...of course, I mean I love ALL my co-workers...equally...and would never wish them harm...ever. What?! I promise!)
8.    The cheap decorations in the “$1 bins” at Target. I’m not sure of the actual name of these “bins,” but I like to refer to them as such because the majority of the items in them are only one dollar. They are located, at least at the Targets I frequent, immediately as you walk in – the perfect location for maximum enticement. This year, I bought adorable Halloween-themed kitchen towels and even cuter socks, which I may or may not be wearing right now.
May you all have the fortune to enjoy these fall things this season!